Monday, December 17, 2012


Hello everyone!  There will be no Fourth Grade Follow Up today, but there is some information we'd like to share.  No homework tonight!  Don't forget that our Christmas Party is tomorrow at 1:00.  If you signed up to donate goodies, feel free to send them in with your child tomorrow, or stop by our party if you'd like!

Academic Info...
For the first few weeks back in January, students will be working in small literature circles.  These literature circles will focus on chapter books.  The students were given a choice of three books and then placed into groups accordingly.  The books offered were at the students' instructional levels.  After each group completes their book, we will then move back into our reading textbook for the remainder of the year.

The students will continue to work on writing skills within the context of different types of writing.  Currently, the students are focusing on literary writing.

We will continue to work on various aspects of grammar.  I noticed from the scrimmage test, that many students are not retaining the rules of grammar and conventions.   I would encourage you to emphasize this with them in the writing and within the context spoken words.  There are some fun, interactive games that are online and could be beneficial.  Try searching for "Grammar Gorillas." 

We are done with division for now!!!  Yahoo!  ::Mrs. Price & Mrs. Ingram wipe their brows::  In January, we will begin our geometry unit.  Be aware that students are still not 100% on multiplication and division facts, so if you're traveling over break (or your child is bored), please drill, drill, drill! :)

Social Studies
We will be continuing learning states and capitals by studying the Southwest and West regions of the US. 

Have a wonderful break, and a Christmas filled with love and blessings.

Mrs. Price and Mrs. Rase


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